November 8, 2006


Traffic! Work! Family! Deadlines! Bills! Ahhh... the daily life can sometimes take a toll on us. That's why I was tickled pink reading Andrew Lam's article: "In Vietnam, Stress over 'see-Tress'." A big hug to my brother who's possibly a bigger NPR fan than me (I know!) and who emailed me this article today. :)

On a daily basis, I do feel oh so "xi-tress." Literally, there are not enough hours in the day for me to do everything I want to do. I wake up in the morning and rush through the morning routines so that I can be out the door, commute, fight traffic, and hopefully get to work on time. I come home late at night, have a quick dinner, clean-up, read, watch TV, and do what i normally do and next thing I know it's 1:00 AM and I still haven't hit the pillow. My eyes are red all the time. My head aches for no reasons. I have no time to read all the magazines I'm subscribing to, no time to catch-up with the stack of books from the library, no time to take more pictures or put them in albums, no time to return phone calls, no time to take the classes I'm interested in, no time to go for a 15-minute walk around the neighborhood, no time to even get to the grocery store. Perhaps living in a cosmopolitan city doesn't help. Perhaps a move to a deserted island is what I need. Perhaps a change of scenery? Career? Residence? Perhaps I need to pick-up meditation? Be a vegetarian? Do yoga? Quit my current job?

Ahhh... these are my thoughts every day and exactly at this moment.

1 comment:

Michaela said...

I totally hear you. There is never enough time in the day. I've spent nearly every free moment for the last few weeks processing photographs and I'm months and months behind, travel images I haven't even looked at yet. My job has been stressing me out horribly lately, and the water shortage in my apartment has only exacerbated the problem.

Exercise *really* does help. I've been running every other day for 3 weeks now and it's made such a difference. I also adore yoga, you should try it. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll fall asleep at night and realize what you can put off another day...

Life is about living though, remember? :o)