September 3, 2006

Breakfast on the Weekends

I love weekends! And even more, I love my breakfast on the weekends! It's a leisurely, drawn-out ritual. There's no rush to be anywhere by 9:00AM (hopefully), no deadlines to meet (hopefully), no chores to do (hopefully), and we can really enjoy our coffee & croissants (or juice & cereal, or eggs, or toast, or waffles, or any of our other favorite breakfast food) the way they're meant to be enjoyed. I sip coffee and catch-up on all the fun read (magazines, novels, etc.) while listening to something cool & relaxing (currently, Norah Jones and Keane). :O)

So ... whatever your plans are for the weekends, a slow lingering breakfast to start your day off right is a must! Life's already moving too fast. We shouldn't rush our weekends! And that should begin with our breakfast, shouldn't it?!

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