February 8, 2007


One weekend last month we celebrated my dad's birthday and hosted a fun baby ("girl") shower for my cousins. The best thing about these gatherings is ... they bring the whole family together. A rare treat!

Talk about treats, another treat I love is ... BetterPhoto.com. It has a host of great photography articles (packed full with tips and advice) and useful online courses, the short 4-week courses are more economical if you're worried about costs. Talk about online classes, I'm thinking of signing up for Camera RAW Processing. It just started yesterday so there's still time to enroll. :)

The best thing about BetterPhoto.com is that we can will learn so much from all the talented photographers out there, including from the pros.

Oh, and don't forget to visit their blog also.

And that's all I have to say about this ... for now. :)

February 7, 2007

simply good

Everyone is amazed to hear we've been finding strawberries on sale so often lately at the market. After all, we're right smack in the middle of a mild winter. But I'm far from complaining since I have a huge fondness for strawberries of all forms ... strawberry jam, strawberry fruit drinks, strawberry romanoff, strawberries with cereal, strawberry crepes, etc. The best things in life are the simplest things, don't you think?

Strawberry talk aside, you must check out these 2 very talented photographers ... Rochelle Haisley and Simply Photo. Here's a picture by Simply Photo:

Stay warm!