January 23, 2007

Jewelboxing & Gilmore Girls

I heard so much about Jewelboxing ... it's definitely a must-try! So really this is a reminder blog for me to try Jewelboxing ... soon!

And last but not least, tonight the fun shall begin at 8:00PM with a much-awaited fresh episode of Gilmore Girls! It's been way too long and we're tired of reruns.

January 22, 2007

Happy 2007

Life has been so busy that I haven't had a chance to keep up with blogging, but today ... Poco gave me a nudge because she wanted to pop in and say "Meow meow!" (that's "hi there!" in case you're not familiar with Poco's language. And she also wanted to tell you that it snowed here yesterday for the first time this winter!

Lots to celebrate, isn't it?!